The importance of the window pillar in shaping the vision conditions in the didactic room

openaccess, Vol. 557 (1) 2019 / wtorek, 22 stycznia, 2019
[Open Access]

H. Żelazny

DOI: 10.15199/33.2019.01.17

Volume 557: Issue 1
Pages 86-87
Accepted for publication: 13.12.2018 r.

The general illumination intensity in a small studio was measured on benches, i.e. in the fields of visual tasks of students. The quality of visual comfort was identified with two types of lighting: natural and mixed.With a natural photoclimate in an empty auditorium found more than double lowering of visual conditions on the bench located next to the window pillar (207 Lx) – compared to the two other measuring stands in the row by the external wall (522 Lx and 483 Lx).Window pillar did not have the slightest effect on the vision conditions on the tables near the wall with the windows with the mixed lighting. The brightness was then fairly even and amounted to 1157 Lx, 1168 Lx and 1175 Lx.
Keywords: conditions of view; teaching room; window pillar.
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dr inż. Henryk Żelazny, Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku- Białej; Wydział Inżynierii Materiałów, Budownictwa i Środowiska

dr inż. Henryk Żelazny