About Journal (Aims and Scope)

In accordance with the Announcement of the Minister of Science of January 5, 2024 on the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences, authors the publication of scientific articles in the monthly „Materiały Budowlane” in the disciplines of: civil engineering, geodesy and transport; architecture and urban planning; material engineering; chemical engineering; mechanical engineering, as well as environmental engineering, mining and energy, receive 100 points.

E-ISSN 2449-951X
Original version in online
Original version in English

„Materialy Budowlane” is one of the oldest scientific journals in Poland (published since 1946), addressed to all professional groups related to construction. It reaches designers and architects, investors, contractors of construction and renovation works, producers and distributors of building materials, representatives of state and local administration bodies, construction supervision offices, construction research centers, construction and architecture departments of universities, construction high schools, e.t.c.

The thematic scope of „Materialy Budowlane” includes mainly presentations of modern design, technological and material solutions used in the construction, finishing and modernization of buildings and engineering structures; the results of research carried out by scientists from Polish and foreign universities and research institutes, as well as the latest achievements in the field of construction. The monthly journal „Materialy Budowlane” is also a source of knowledge on changes and interpretations of building regulations, and progress in the implementation of EU standardization, prospects for the development of construction and individual sectors of the building materials industry in Poland. Each issue contains many interesting articles, prepared by acclaimed authority figures, in Poland and abroad, in various fields of construction.


„Materialy Budowlane” is published monthly (12 editions per year) in the last decade of a given month.


In accordance with the Announcement of the Minister of Science of January 5, 2024 on the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences, authors the publication of scientific articles in the monthly „Materiały Budowlane” in the disciplines of: civil engineering, geodesy and transport; architecture and urban planning; material engineering; chemical engineering; mechanical engineering, as well as environmental engineering, mining and energy, receive 100 points.

DOI (Digital Number Identifier)

Each scientific article published in the „Materialy Budowlane” has a DOI number. Authors of articles are asked to use DOI numbers in bibliography wherever possible. The number can be checked in the DOI System database: dx.doi.org.


Scientific articles published in the „Materialy Budowlane” are indexed in the following reference databases:

Scientific Committee:

prof. Jose Barroso de Aguiar, University of Minho, Portugalia; dr hab. inż. arch. Adam Baryłka, SITPMB; prof. Benoît Bissonnette, CRIB–Research Centeron Concrete Infrastructure Université Laval, Kanada; dr inż. Isabela Bradáčová, VŠB-Technicka Uniwerzitá Ostrava, Czechy; prof. Veronica Calderon Carpintero, Universidad de Burgos, Hiszpania; prof. Lech Czarnecki (przewodniczący), Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; prof. Tibor Ďurica, University of Security Management, Słowacja; dr hab. inż. Jadwiga Fangrat, prof. ITB, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; prof. Mariaenrica Frigione, University of Salento, Włochy; prof. Andrzej Garbacz, Politechnika Warszawska; prof. Jerzy Hoła, Politechnika Wrocławska; prof. Naser Kabashi, Pristina University, Kosowo; prof. Thomas Mathia, CNRS –Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, Francja; prof. Jan Olek, Purdue University, USA; prof. Jeanette Orlowsky, Technische Universität Dortmund, Niemcy; prof. Hulusi M. Özkul, Istanbul Technical University, Turcja; dr hab. inż. Artur Piekarczuk, prof. ITB, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; prof. Adam Podhorecki, Akademia Kujawsko-Pomorska; prof. Leszek Rafalski, Rada Główna Instytutów Badawczych; dr inż. Carles Serrat, prof. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya-Barcelona TECH; prof. Andrzej Szarata, Politechnika Krakowska; dr hab. inż. Jacek Szer, prof. uczelni, Politechnika Łódzka; prof. Ru Wang, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Chiny; prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Politechnika Gdańska


Publisher SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. one of the  oldest and largest publisher of technical press in Poland. It has been operating as an organized publishing house since 1949.