Resistance to wear of synthetic surfaces for outdoor sports areas

openaccess, Vol. 590 (10) 2021 / wtorek, 26 października, 2021

(Open Access)

Strąk Cezary, Sudoł Ewa. 2021. Resistance to wear of synthetic surfaces for outdoor sports areas. Volume 590. Issue 10. Pages 28-30. DOI: 10.15199/33.2021.10.03

Accepted for publication: 27.09.2021 r.

The aim of the study was to determine the wear resistance of synthetic sports surfaces for outdoor areas. The abrasion resistance tests of three types of surface were carried out – spray type (SP), full EPDM and two-layer (2S). The weight loss was determined for both samples seasoned in laboratory conditions and those subjected to artificial aging involving the action of high temperature, including in the water environment and freeze-thaw cycles. All tested solutions showed high resistance to wear, with the smallest weight loss recorded for the SP surface. No significant influence of the given exposures on the considered property was observed.
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mgr inż. Cezary Strąk, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; Zakład Inżynierii Materiałów Budowlanych ORCID: 0000-0002-1932-1205
dr inż. Ewa Sudoł, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; Zakład Inżynierii Materiałów Budowlanych ORCID:0000-0003-2902-0497

dr inż. Ewa Sudoł, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; Zakład Inżynierii Materiałów Budowlanych ORCID:0000-0003-2902-0497