Analysis of damage caused by inadequate wall demolition in a multi-family building

openaccess, Vol. 603 (11) 2022 / poniedziałek, 28 listopada, 2022

(Open Access)

DOI: 10.15199/33.2022.11.30

Szóstak Mariusz, Sawicki Marek. 2022. Analysis of damage caused by inadequate wall demolition in a multi-family building. Volume 603. Issue 11. Pages 109-111. Article in PDF file

Accepted for publication: 05.10.2022 r.

The article analyses technological aspects related to inadequate demolition of internal walls in amulti-family building in Wrocław. As a result of demolition and demolition works carried out on the ground floor of amulti-family building erected in traditional brick technology, structural elements on the upper floors were damaged. Following an expert opinion and investigations, the causes of the damage were determined and the condition of the structure following the work carried out was analysed. Recommendations were drawn up for repairing the structure.
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dr inż. Mariusz Szóstak, Politechnika Wrocławska, Wydział Budownictwa Lądowego i Wodnego ORCID: 0000-0003-4439-6599
dr inż. Marek Sawicki, Politechnika Wrocławska, Wydział Budownictwa Lądowego i Wodnego ORCID: 0000-0003-1220-0494

dr inż. Marek Sawicki, Politechnika Wrocławska, Wydział Budownictwa Lądowego i Wodnego ORCID: 0000-0003-1220-0494

Full paper:

DOI: 10.15199/33.2022.11.30

Article in PDF file