(in Polish)
Jacek Nurzyński
Volume 528; Issue 8
Pages 54-56
Accepted for publication: 05.07.2016 r.
The quality of life in residential areas, among other factors, depends on the outdoor acoustic conditions. Environmental noise affects conditions inside a building and determines required sound insulation of the building envelope. However, rooms with open windows can be hardly protected against outdoor noise as well as the space on balconies, terraces, and in the closest building surroundings. In acoustic terms the living environment quality is defined by the quality of a building itself, combined with the quality of its surrounding. Thus an acoustic classification scheme for residential areas is proposed. It is intended for developers, local authorities and final users as a property value assessment toll. It also contributes to rational acoustic urban planning and appropriate spatial development policy.
Keywords: building acoustics, protection against noise, environment quality.
Keywords: building acoustics, protection against noise, environment quality.
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Jacek Nurzyński, Ph. D., MSc. Eng., Associate Professor - Building Research Institute, Department of Thermal Physics, Acoustics and the Environment
Jacek Nurzyński, Associate Professor
Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage