Alkaline reactivity in industrial floors


Posadzki przemysłowe a reaktywność alkaliczna kruszyw Abstract. Industrial concrete floors are often very important parts of the building and alkali – aggregates reactions can’t be disregard. At most cases effects of this reactions are observed as spallings at surface of the floor. To minimise this risk it is important to follow the rules that are […]

4 października, 2018

The influence of aggregate pollutants on the durability of concrete floors


Wpływ zanieczyszczeń kruszywa na trwałość posadzek betonowych Adres do korespondencji: DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.09.02 Fyall Z., Wysocki L. Abstract. The paper presents the impact of aggregate contamination on the durability of concrete floors. There were investigated grains impurities which under certain conditions cause damages to the floor surface due to their expansion. On the basis of the […]

4 października, 2018