The safety of use of RC telecommunication towers

Vol. 548 (4) 2018 / sobota, 5 stycznia, 2019


M. Lechman

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.04.31

Volume 548: Issue 4
Pages 94-95
Accepted for publication: 06.02.2018 r.

The paper deals with the safety of use of RC telecommunication towers erected in the sixties of 20-century. The analysis of the problem is based on the inspections of 6 objects that covered the survey of tower structure with nonbearing elements, the assessment of concrete strength, the anticorrosion protection and waterproofing as well as the condition of antenna carriers and static calculations. It was indicated in the conclusions that the limit states of usefulness for use were exceeded in the case of certain tower rooms. Keywords: telecommunication tower; reinforced concrete; safety of use.
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dr hab. inż. Marek Lechman, prof. Instytut Techniki Budowlanej, Zakład Konstrukcji Budowlanych, Geotechniki i Betonu

dr hab. inż. Marek Lechman, prof. Instytut Techniki Budowlanej, Zakład Konstrukcji Budowlanych, Geotechniki i Betonu

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.04.31