Lightweight cladding of new power plant units of 1000 MW class

Vol. 548 (4) 2018 / sobota, 5 stycznia, 2019


P. Straszak,
A. Knapik

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.04.32

Volume 548: Issue 4
Pages 96-97
Accepted for publication: 01.02.2018 r.

Execution of lightweight cladding of tall power plant block, such as boiler buildings in new coal handling power plant unit of 1000 MW power provides large logistic challange and requires deep analysis in design and realization stage. This analysis have to predict vertical transport method, predictaccess to installation place and include weather conditions which have main infulence on schedule. This needs also proper safety equipement which fits health and safety rules on the biggest construction sites in Poland. The aim of the paper is to present main challanges in realization of such type of contracts. Keywords: lightweight cladding; power plant unit; boiler building; tall object.
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mgr inż. Paweł Straszak RAPID Sp. z o.o., specjaliści w remontach i wznoszeniu budowli dla przemysłu mgr inż. Adam Knapik RAPID Sp. z o.o., specjaliści w remontach i wznoszeniu budowli dla przemysłu

mgr inż. Paweł Straszak RAPID Sp. z o.o., specjaliści w remontach i wznoszeniu budowli dla przemysłu

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.04.32