Testing of fire load density taken for calculation

openaccess, Vol. 587 (7) 2021 / poniedziałek, 26 lipca, 2021

(Open Access)

Papis Bartłomiej, Kolbrecki Andrzej. 2021. Testing of fire load density taken for calculation. Volume 587. Issue 7. Pages 12-13. DOI: 10.15199/33.2021.07.03

Accepted for publication: 04.06.2021 r.

The purpose of the work is presenting principles of examinations for determining reducing the fire load density for coincidences other than expected in standard (in PN-B- 02852:2001). Examinations showed that in case of sawdust and pellets the burning was observed only an outer layer of stacks (of heaps) – up to 10 cmof the depth (rise of temperature above 220°C thatmeans above the ignition point). Flaming burning on the surface was moderately intense. Examinations showed that in case of tobacco no flaming burning was observed however the front of the high temperature moved deep into samples as a result of smouldering of the tobacco plant. The temperature rise higher than 250°C was observed on levels between 10 and 20 cm. Received results gives reasons for reducing densities of the fire load density for calculations: 10% for wood and tobacco; 20% for pellets.
  1. DIN 18230 Teil 2. Baulicher Brandschutz im Industriebau. Ermittlung des Abrandfaktor m.
  2. PN-B-02852:2001 Ochrona przeciwpożarowa budynków. Obliczanie obciążenia ogniowego oraz wyznaczanie względnego czasu trwania pożaru.
  3. Versuchbericht. Naturbrandversuche mit Rohtabak zur Ermittlung eines abbrandfaktors m in Anlehnung an DIN 18230 Teil 2 (09.87). Institut für Baustoffe, Massifbau und Brandschutz – Amtliche Materialprüfanstalt für Bauwesen. Przyjęto do druku: 04.06.2021 r.
dr inż. Bartłomiej Papis, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; Zakład Badań Ogniowych ORCID: 0000-0002-8711-905X
dr inż. Andrzej Kolbrecki

dr inż. Bartłomiej Papis, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; Zakład Badań Ogniowych ORCID: 0000-0002-8711-905X
