Protection of rooms against overheating in the summer period in the aspect of thermal comfort

openaccess, Vol. 565 (9) 2019 / piątek, 27 września, 2019

(Open Access)

W. Kroner,
P. Jakubowska,
P. Noszczyk

DOI: 10.15199/33.2019.09.03

Volume 565: Issue 9
Pages 54-56
Accepted for publication: 22.07.2019 r.

Overheating of rooms in summer period becomes an increasing problem in new buildings, both in terms of utility and finances. The requirements in this respect contained in national regulations are insufficient. The article presents an analysis of thermal comfort for an exemplary office space, depending on the ratio of the window surface to the room surface. The internal temperatures obtained by computer simulation were compared with the comfort temperatures for users and the cooling costs were compared to the heating costs of the same room. The conclusion was made that meeting the requirements of WT (national regulations ) does not guarantee thermal comfort in the rooms.
Keywords: room overheating, thermal comfort, room simulations, indoor air temperature, energy efficiency.
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mgr inż. Wojciech Kroner, Graner+Partner sp. z o.o.

mgr inż. Paulina Jakubowska, Graner+Partner sp. z o.o.

mgr inż. Paweł Noszczyk, Politechnika Wrocławska, Wydział Budownictwa Lądowego i Wodnego

mgr inż. Wojciech Kroner