Potential use of nanotechnology in concrete technology

Vol. 523 (3) 2016 / czwartek, 25 października, 2018

(in Polish)

Małgorzata Lelusz,
Natalia Stankiewicz

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.03.08

Volume 523; Issue 3
Pages 25-28

Accepted for publication: 21.09.2015 r.

The potential use of nanotechnology in concrete technology is presented in the paper. The most often usage of nanoparticles and nanocomposites has been described.One of these nanomaterials which are possible to use in cement composites are carbon nanotubes. Unfortunately, they reveal their tendency to aggregation. That is why it is significant to elaborate the method of even nanoparticles distribution in compositemass. The Technical University in Bialystok is conducting some experiments with the aim of determining the impact of nanoparticles on cement mortars as well as to elaborate the methods of their even dispersion. The results of laboratory tests to investigate the influence of nanotubes on cement mortars strength are presented in the paper. Nanomodified mortars were prepared using amagnetic stirrer. It has been noticed that adding even a small amount of nanoadditive (0,06% of the cement mass)would cause an increase in the flexural strength by approximately 25%and an increase in the compressive strength of about 35%, which is very high.
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Małgorzata Lelusz, Ph. D., Eng. - Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Natalia Stankiewicz, MSc., Eng. - Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Natalia Stankiewicz, MSc., Eng.
