Partition and installation in energy-efficient housing construction in the context of changes in the Building law after 2015

openaccess, Vol. 562 (6) 2019 / czwartek, 4 lipca, 2019

(Open Access)

K. Sadowski

DOI: 10.15199/33.2019.06.03

Volume 562: Issue 6
Pages 41-45
Accepted for publication: 24.05.2019 r.

The article presents the results of research on several hundred energy performance certificates prepared by the author and designed energy characteristics for residential buildings. The purpose of the conducted research was an attempt to determine the impact of changes in the Building law, consisting in gradual tightening of the energy efficiency requirements of the proposed buildings and the introduction of the Act on the energy performance of buildings, the purpose of which was to implement European Union law, including ordering the requirements regarding the scope, methods and control of energy certification in Poland. The research conducted by the author analyzes a number of the parameters of the designed and erected buildings during the last 5 years. Their results indicate that the introduced regulations may have an adverse effect on the process of striving for the nZEB standard in Poland. Keywords: energy-efficient building construction; nZEB; energy performance; energy performance certificate.
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  6. Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury i Rozwoju z 12 kwietnia 2002 r. z późniejszymi zmianami w sprawie warunków technicznych, jakim powinny odpowiadać budynki i ich usytuowanie.
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dr inż. arch. Kajetan Sadowski, Politechnika Wrocławska; Wydział Architektury; ORCID: 0000-0002-1713-430X

dr inż. arch. Kajetan Sadowski, Politechnika Wrocławska; Wydział Architektury; ORCID: 0000-0002-1713-430X