Hempcrete material for use in sustainable construction

openaccess, Vol. 580 (12) 2020 / niedziela, 20 grudnia, 2020

(Open Access)

Klementowski Igor, Pochwała Sławomir, Król Anna. 2020. Hempcrete material for use in sustainable construction. Volume 580. Issue 12. Pages 16-17. DOI: 10.15199/33.2020.12.03

Accepted for publication: 03.11.2020

The article presents the characteristics of hemp concrete on the basis of a literature review and own experience with preliminary research. This material, as a composite, has not been thoroughly studied and its composition is standardised, despite the fact that it consists of well-known, used and widely described components. It is characterized by a low coefficient of heat penetration with high heat accumulation, which greatly improves the conditions of thermal comfort for users. The level of porosity of the composite also translates into acoustic insulation, which is becoming an increasingly important parameter for modern construction. Negative carbon foot print putsit on the pedestal among other ecological materials. Hemp concrete is vapour-permeable, so it regulates the relative humidity in rooms, so there is no concern about the development of microorganisms in the partition.
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mgr inż. Igor Klementowski, Politechnika Opolska; Wydział Budownictwa ORCID: 0000-0002-6992-1698
dr inż. Sławomir Pochwała, Politechnika Opolska; Wydział Mechaniczny ORCID: 0000-0002-8128-5495
dr hab. inż. Anna Król, prof. PO, Politechnika Opolska; Wydział Mechaniczny ORCID: 0000-0002-3674-850X

mgr inż. Igor Klementowski, Politechnika Opolska; Wydział Budownictwa ORCID: 0000-0002-6992-1698
