Formation of the thermal conductivity of autoclaved aerated concrete, depending on the degree of moisture

Vol. 523 (3) 2016 / czwartek, 25 października, 2018

(in Polish)

Katarzyna Łaskawiec,
Ewelina Górecka,
Lech Misiewicz

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.03.11

Volume 523; Issue 3
Pages 36-38

Accepted for publication: 07.01.2016 r.

The thermal conductivity of AAC is very important because it is the one of a basic material for building walls. Thermal conductivity of AAC depends on its density, moisture content and components used in the production process. The article present selected physical properties of AAC (density, compressive strenght, thermal conductivity λ, sorption, water vapor permeability and water absorption) – densities in the range of 300 ÷ 700 kg/m3. Research of thermal conductivity AAC where done on the samples with moisture content from 0 to 20%.
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Katarzyna Łaskawiec, Ph. D., Eng. - Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials

Ewelina Górecka, MSc., Eng. - Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials

Lech Misiewicz, MSc., Eng. - SOLBET Sp. z o.o.

Katarzyna Łaskawiec, Ph. D., Eng.