Environmental characteristics of the ETICS systems between 2014 and 2019

openaccess, Vol. 568 (12) 2019 / środa, 1 stycznia, 2020

(Open Access)

B. Michałowski
M. Marcinek
J. Tomaszewska
S. Czernik
M. Piaseck
R. Geryło
J. Michalak

DOI: 10.15199/33.2019.12.02

Volume 568: Issue 12
Pages 20-23
Accepted for publication: 04.11.2019 r.

The paper presents the impact of the External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS) on the natural environment. Analysis of environmental impact factorswas conducted based on the life cycle assessment (LCA)methodology. Experimental results were obtained fromthe verified inventory data fromthe production at five different locations, following the year 2012 and 2017, respectively.The life cycle analysis of the examined products covered modules from A1 to A3, i.e. from raw materials extraction, up to the finished, packed product at the factory gate. Results of the LCAshowed that within the last five years, the negative impact of the ETICS systemon the natural environment decreased significantly. Keywords: Environmental Product Declaration (EPD); External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS); thermal insulation materials; Global Warming Potential; Life Cycle Assessment.
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dr inż. Bartosz Michałowski, Atlas sp. z o.o. dr inż. Marta Marcinek, Atlas sp. z o.o. dr inż. Justyna Tomaszewska, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej mgr inż. Sebastian Czernik, Atlas sp. z o.o. dr inż. Michał Piaseck, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej dr inż. Robert Geryło, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej dr inż. Jacek Michalak, Atlas sp. z o.o. ORCID 0000-0001-7186-6774

dr inż. Jacek Michalak, Atlas sp. z o.o.
