(in Polish)
J. Szulc,
K. Sztuka
Volume 548: Issue 4
Pages 20-22
Accepted for publication: 13.02.2018
The article presents examples of damages to non-bearing masonry walls selected from the engineering practice and description of their potential reasons. The basis for the diagnosis were: calculations of static-endurance slabs, results of measurements of their deformation and examinations conducted in the field in situ. In order to determine the impact of slab deflection on the analyzed walls behavior, a test load of the fragment of the slab was carried and a number of construction pitches were made in order to identify implementing errors. The conclusions made on the above concern the usefulness of applied solutions of non-bearing masonry walls and show directions of possible actions.
Keywords: masonry wall; non-bearing walls; cracks; acting deflections; test load.
Keywords: masonry wall; non-bearing walls; cracks; acting deflections; test load.
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- dr inż. Jarosław Szulc Instytut Techniki Budowlanej, Zakład Konstrukcji Budowlanych,Geotechniki i Betonu
- mgr inż. Krzysztof Sztuka Instytut Techniki Budowlanej, Zakład Konstrukcji Budowlanych,Geotechniki i Betonu
dr inż. Jarosław Szulc