Białystok Arch

Vol. 522 (2) 2016 / czwartek, 25 października, 2018

(in Polish)

Mirosław Wałęga,
Mariusz Sobczyk,
Zbigniew Szuchnicki,
Mikołaj Miśkiewicz,
Jacek Chróścielewski

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.02.16

Volume 522; Issue 2
Pages 50-52

Accepted for publication: 29.12.2015 r.

The paper presents a viaduct named Bialystok Arch, which was opened for traffic in June 2011. The structure is, in its scale, a prototype object in Poland, because of the diagonal location of the arch girder axis with respect to the deck. The load bearing structure – the fixed arch girder, is located along the shorter diagonal of the suspended composite deck, regarding the top plan view. The span of the object is 66 m long and the total width is 16.48 m. Asymmetrical cables that change their position in the middle of the span cause that the arch girder is subjected also to large diagonal bending and torsion, besides the dominant compressive force. Thismodifies the typical behaviour of an arch girder into the structural complex stress state together with a tendency to additional horizontal rotation of the platform. The BPBKS Ahead designer discussed some design issueswith bridge scientist form Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). The GUT bridge scientific team analyzed the entire structure and its details independently. Additional numerical simulations supported the designer to make decisions about some structural details solutions, fabrication and structure erection.
  1. Projekt wykonawczy wiaduktu W1 nad ul. Maczka, w ciągu ul. Lodowej w Białymstoku. BPBK S. A., 2008.
  2. Sprawozdanie z próbnego obciążenia wiaduktu drogowego W1 (Łuk Białostocki) nad ul.Maczka w ciągu ul. Lodowej w Białymstoku. Politechnika Gdańska, 2011.
  3. Wałęga Mirosław, Mariusz Sobczyk, Zbigniew Szuchnicki, Mikołaj Miśkiewicz, Jacek Chróścielewski: Wiadukt łukowy w Białymstoku. Wrocławskie Dni Mostowe, Mosty łukowe – dzieła kultury. Projektowanie, budowa, utrzymanie. Wrocław, 26-27 listopada 2015.
Mirosław Wałęga, MSc., Eng. - Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Komunalnego S.A. Gdańsk
Mariusz Sobczyk, MSc., Eng. - Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Komunalnego S.A. Gdańsk
Zbigniew Szuchnicki, MSc., Eng. - Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Komunalnego S.A. Gdańsk
Mikołaj Miśkiewicz, Ph. D., Eng. - Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Jacek Chróścielewski, Prof. - Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Mikołaj Miśkiewicz, Ph. D., Eng.