Assessment of the charring depth in surface element timber structures

Vol. 540 (8) 2017 / poniedziałek, 29 października, 2018

(in Polish)

P. Roszkowski,
P. Sulik,
G. Kimbar

DOI: 10.15199/33.2017.08.07

Volume 540; Issue 8
Pages 23-28

Accepted for publication: 02.06.2017 r.

The problem of establishing load bearing capacity of wooden surface elements in the case of fire is an important problem of fire safety. Particular interactions between load bearing members and their claddings and insulations (or the lack thereof) render modelling and assessment of load bearing failure in the case of a fire a troublesome task. In particular, surroundings of the load bearing members have important influence on the charring layer development, and what follows - on the rate of load bearing capacity loss. In the paper two approaches to this problem utilised in Europe and in the World are presented: one included in current Eurocodes, and one from a document Fire safety in timber buildings – Technical guideline for Europe. Theoretical basis, range of applicability and shortcomings of these approaches are presented. As a practical example a comparison of results from tests conducted in Pionki Fire Research Laboratory with results of calculation procedures are presented.
Keywords: fire resistance, fire resistance test partitions, timber structures, timber frame walls, gypsum plasterboard, timber floors, start of charring time, failure time of protection.
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Paweł Roszkowski, MSc. Eng. - Building Research Institute, Department of Fire Research

Paweł Sulik, Ph. D. Eng. - Building Research Institute, Department of Fire Research

Grzegorz Kimbar, Ph. D. Eng. - Building Research Institute, Department of Fire Research

Paweł Roszkowski, MSc. Eng.

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2017.08.07