Assessment durability of the masonry mortars

Vol. 532 (12) 2016 / środa, 24 października, 2018

(in Polish)

M. Najduchowska

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.12.16

Volume 532: Issue 12
Pages 51-54
Accepted for publication: 12.10.2016

Currently in Poland for assessment of the freeze-thaw resistance of the masonry and plastering mortars still withdrawn PN-85/B-04500 standard is applied. However, it seems that the proceeding during the preparation of the samples should be modified. In this connection, the durability tests were conducted. It has been noticed that the way of the sample preparation can clearly affect the obtained freeze – thawmortar resistance results. It is complex issue related to sample preparation in the appropriated moulds, curing and drying processes as well. Repeatedly in laboratory practice it turns out that durability of the samples deteriorates even before taking proceeding of the freezethaw cycling. In this study the results of the freeze-thaw mortar resistance test are covered. Themortar sampleswere prepared and cured according to different approaches.

Keywords: plastering mortar, masonry mortar, test methods, sample preparation, curing samples, freeze-thaw resistance, durability assessment.
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  • dr inż. Marzena Najduchowska Instytut Ceramiki i Materiałów Budowlanych, Oddział Szkła i Materiałów Budowlanych w Krakowie

dr inż. Marzena Najduchowska

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.12.16