Analysis of the feasibility of superstructure in forms of regulations contained in the draft of Urban Planning and Construction Code in Poland

Vol. 554 (10) 2018 / wtorek, 30 października, 2018


T. Nicer,
M. Rogalska

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.10.11

Volume 554: Issue 10
Pages 41-42
Accepted for publication: 20.08.2018 r.

In the article, formal and technical analysis of the construction of the superstructure of the collective and individual residence buildings was carried out in the aspect of regulations included in the draftUrban Planning and Construction Code.An analysis was carried out, taking into account the provisions of the local plan, technical conditions of implementation, restrictions resulting fromthe acts on the protection ofmonuments and the environment. The supporting and limiting entries for the superstructures included in the Urban and Construction Code are presented. Keywords: superstructure; Urban and Construction Code; sustainable development summary.
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przyjęto do druku: 20.08.2018 r.
mgr inż. Tomasz Nicer, Nicer Tomasz. Biuro Usług Projektowych dr hab. inż. Magdalena Rogalska, Politechnika Lubelska;Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury

dr hab. inż. Magdalena Rogalska

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.10.11