Alkaline reactivity in industrial floors

Uncategorized / czwartek, 4 października, 2018

Posadzki przemysłowe a reaktywność alkaliczna kruszyw

Abstract. Industrial concrete floors are often very important parts of the building and alkali – aggregates reactions can’t be disregard. At most cases effects of this reactions are observed as spallings at surface of the floor. To minimise this risk it is important to follow the rules that are describedAAR-7.1 andAAR-7.2 Report created by european Partner program.According to those rules in objects with high level of risk – S3 it is obligatory to follow at list one of the mentioned rules. Becouse some of the aggregates from Poland reacts rapidly with alkalies from cement in young concrete which is saturated with water it is important to clasify this type of environment as E2 – saturated with water.When we have such combination S3 + E2 (objects with high level of risk and saturated with water) we have to use two methods simultanously to prevent alkali-silicate reaction and to be sure that the sufrace of floor will be free of spallings formthe alkali-silicate reaction.

Keywords: alkaline reactivity; industrial floors.


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