Compressive durability testing of ground composite materials peat – volatile ash – lime

Vol. 541 (9) 2017 / poniedziałek, 29 października, 2018

(in Polish)

B. Brzeziński

DOI: 10.15199/33.2017.09.36

Volume 541; Issue 9
Pages 140-142

Accepted for publication: 22.06.2017 r.

The article presents tests results of ground composite materials: peat – volatile ash – hydrated lime (T-PL-WH) with a stable ratio PL/T = 0,5 and a variable ratio WH/PL. The durability results have shown a considerable influence of environmental conditions of curing on compressive durability. The rise in the ratio WH/PL is paralleled by the rise in the compressive durability regardless of a curing environment. For the ratio WH/PL = 0,05 the compressive durability of the composite is 137,4 kPa. In case of composites curing in an environment of relative vapor pressure p/po ≈ 1 and dry air conditions the compressive durability is 169,1 kPa. For the ratio WH/PL = 0,25 the compressive durability is 167,4 kPa i 260,8 kPa respectively.
Keywords: peat; volatile ash; hydrated lime; compressive durability; environmental conditions of curing.
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Bartłomiej Brzeziński, MSc. Eng. - State University of Applied Sciences (PWSZ) in Elbląg

Bartłomiej Brzeziński, MSc. Eng.

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2017.09.36