Usage possibilities of new ternary cements CEM II/C-M (S-V) and CEM VI (S-V) in construction

Vol. 554 (10) 2018 / poniedziałek, 22 października, 2018


T. Michał,
W. Karol

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.10.02

Volume 554: Issue 10
Pages 10-12
Accepted for publication: 17.09.2018 r.

The article presents the properties of new types of ternary cements CEMII/C-M(S-V) and CEMVI (S-V). The test results on concrete mixtures and hardened concretes are present as well, proving the wide range of using tested cements in construction. The currently prepared amendment to the EN 197-1 standard classifies the tested binders as common cements. They are characterized by a reducted content of Portland clinker and increased content of mineral additives: siliceous fly ash (V) and granulated blast furnace slag (S). Keywords: ternary cements; blast furnace slag; siliceous fly ash.
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Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.10.02