The proposal prediction time use of floor HC-500 slabs exposed to chloride ions

openaccess, Vol. 567 (11) 2019 / środa, 27 listopada, 2019

(Open Access)

Z. Szweda,
R. Jasiński

DOI: 10.15199/33.2019.11.02

Volume 567: Issue 11
Pages 12 – 14
Accepted for publication: 03.10.2019 r.

The aim of the work was the evaluation of forecasting method concerning the durability of prefabricated floor HC-500 slabs in conditions of danger of chloride ions aggression taking into consideration values of diffusion coefficient of concrete taken directly from prefabricated slabs. Diffusion coefficient obtained on the basis of thermodynamic migration model and own research. The influence of chloride aggression was taken into account when making adaptations known from reinforced concrete structures describing the reinforcement diameter loss, using EC-2 recommendations, changes in the adhesion of the tendons and, as a result, changes in the prestressing force in the cross-section were taken into account. The time after which total loss of adhesion and an increase in stress due to a decrease in cross-sectional area can be expected was calculated.
Keywords: prestressed structures; floor slabs HC type; influence of chloride ions.
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dr inż. Zofia Szweda, Politechnika Śląska; Wydział Budownictwa

dr hab. inż. Radosław Jasiński, prof. PŚ, Politechnika Śląska; Wydział Budownictwa

dr inż. Zofia Szweda