The main changes related to designing of the supports for the OHL introduced by the new edition of PN-EN 50341

Vol. 525 (5) 2016 / wtorek, 12 marca, 2019


D. Brudniak,
D. Dymek

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.05.24

Volume 525: Issue 5
Pages 52-53
Accepted for publication: 07.03.2016 r.

The paper presents the results of tests of reinforced masonry walls made of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC). The main research was carried out on 12 models. All models were reinforced with truss type steel reinforcement or fiberglass geogrid. In 6 models, a so-called one-sided bed joints was used (reinforcement was embedded in the mortar), and the next in 6 models a two-sided bed joints was used (reinforcement was laid on the mortar joint and covered with another layer of mortar). The models were tested under oblique compression in accordancewithASTME519-81. The resultswere comparedwith the results of tests of unreinforced walls. It was shown that using a one-sided bed joints a clear reduction in the value of crack and destructive stresses in relation to walls without reinforcement. Keywords: impact of masonry execution; bed joint reinforcement; compression; shear.
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  9. PN-EN 1996-1-1:2010+A1:2013-05P, Eurokod 6: Projektowanie konstrukcjimurowych, Część 1-1: Reguły ogólne dla niezbrojonych i zbrojonych konstrukcji murowych.
dr inż. Radosław Jasiński, dr hab. inż. Łukasz Drobiec, prof. PŚl, Politechnika Śląska,Wydział Budownictwa

dr inż. Radosław Jasiński, dr hab. inż. Łukasz Drobiec, prof. PŚl, Politechnika Śląska,Wydział Budownictwa

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

 DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.05.24