(in Polish)
Anna Komerska,
Jerzy Kwiatkowski
Volume 521; Issue 1
Pages 8-10
Accepted for publication: 27.11.2015 r.
The article presents the impact of a building energy standard on the total building energy balance during its life cycle. The analysis was performed for hotel building according to the requirements from national regulations WT2014, WT2021 and NF15. Embodied energy, operational energy and energy associated with deconstruction process was calculated as well as its share in the total building energy balance. Additionally, a potential of the energy recovery from recycled materials was estimated. It has been shown that despite the higher embodied energy, associated with the additional amount of the insulation material, higher building energy standard is still energy effective. As a result, the overall energy balance decreases with higher building energy standard. Additionally the study shows that limiting the analysis only to the operational energy does not reflect the real energy benefits related to the building energy standard and therefore it would result in an overestimated energy saving potential.
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- Anna Komerska, Msc., Eng. - Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering; National Energy Conservation Agency (NAPE)
- Jerzy Kwiatkowski, Ph.D., Eng. - Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering; National Energy Conservation Agency (NAPE)
Anna Komerska, Msc., Eng.