The influence of bed joints reinforcement of shear walls with openings made of calcium-silicate masonry units on the shear stress – strain angle relationship and cracking and ultimate stresses

openaccess, Vol. 592 (12) 2021 / środa, 22 grudnia, 2021

(Open Access)

Jasiński Radosław. 2021. The influence of bed joints reinforcement of shear walls with openings made of calcium-silicate masonry units on the shear stress – strain angle relationship and cracking and ultimate stresses. Volume 592. Issue 12. Pages 3-5. DOI: 10.15199/33.2021.12.01

Accepted for publication: 06.04.2021 r.

The article presents the results of research on reinforced walls with openings of various shapes made of calcium-silicate masonry units. The main aim of the conducted experiments was to determine the influence of the applied reinforcement, on the relationship shear stress – shear strain angle and the value of cracking and ultimate stresses. 12 walls with external dimensions of l = 4,45 m, h = 2,45 m, t = 180 mm with openings of different shape and dimensions were constructed and tested. In all reinforced models, the element reinforcement ratio was ρ = 0,07 (> ρmin = 0,05). The walls were tested at the initial compressive stress of σc = 0,1; 1,5 or 0,75 N/mm2. The significant influence of the reinforcement on the wall stiffness and the values of the analyzed stresses at cracking and ultimate was demonstrated.
  1. Jasiński Radosław. 2021. „Wpływ zbrojenia spoin wspornych w ścianach z otworami, wykonanych z silikatowych elementów murowych na morfologię zarysowań  i mechanizm zniszczenia”. Materiały Budowlane 584 (4): 11 ÷ 14. DOI: 10.15199/33.2021.04.01.
  2. Jasiński Radosław. 2019. „Effects ofOpening Shapes onBehaviour of ShearWallsMade ofAACMasonry Units”. IOPConf. Series:Materials Science and Engineering: 471.DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/471/2/022011.
  3. PN-EN-1996-1-1:2013 Eurokod 6. Projektowanie konstrukcji murowych. Część 1-1:Reguły ogólne dla zbrojonych i niezbrojonych konstrukcji murowych.
dr hab. inż. Radosław Jasiński, prof. PŚ, Politechnika Śląska; Wydział Budownictwa ORCID: 0000-0003-4015-4971

dr hab. inż. Radosław Jasiński, prof. PŚ, Politechnika Śląska; Wydział Budownictwa ORCID: 0000-0003-4015-4971