Protection of the structure of a new cooling tower designed for discharging flue gases

Vol. 525 (5) 2016 / piątek, 26 października, 2018

(in Polish)

M. Lechman

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.05.13

Volume 525; Issue 5
Pages 30-31
Accepted for publication: 11.03.2016 r.

The paper deals with the surface protection of the shell and columns of a new cooling tower h = 185 m designed for discharging flue gases. The surface coating system has been designed taking account of actions and operational conditions of the cooling tower. In the paper test results of the concrete substrate and protective coatings of the cooling tower are presented. These tests were conducted during the performed coating works.

Keywords: cooling tower, surface protection, flue gases.
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Marek Lechman, Ph. D., MSc., Eng. Associate Professor - Building Research Institute

Marek Lechman, Associate Professor

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.05.13