(in Polish)
Zygmunt Matkowski,
Adam Kowalski
Volume 523; Issue 3
Pages 4-6
Accepted for publication: 12.01.2016 r.
The article concerns designing and making hydro-insulation.The first part presents theoretical information collected from the available publications on insulation design and fixing inwet rooms as well as swimming-pool basins, where as the second part shows the basic test results needed to determine the reasons why ceramic tiles fall off the bottom and the side-walls of the swimming-pool basin. In conclusion, the article focuses on the significance of the correctness in design and fixing of hydroinsulation in structures intensely exposed to water.
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Zygmunt Matkowski, Ph. D., Eng. - Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Adam Kowalski, MSc., Eng. - Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Zygmunt Matkowski, Ph. D., Eng.