Prefabricated piles in transport infrastructure

Vol. 531 (11) 2016 / wtorek, 23 października, 2018

(in Polish)

D. Sobala

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.11.06

Volume 531: Issue 11
Pages 22-25
Accepted for publication: 06.10.2016 r.

The paper presents an overview of the current applications of the precast pile technology in Poland’s transport infrastructure. The contemporary methods of applications of timber, steel and reinforced concrete piles in bridge structures are discussed. It appears that currently the widest scope of applications have precast reinforced concrete piles driven with pile drivers with hydraulic hammers. They are driven for smaller engineering structures, such as acoustic screens and masts of traction power network as well as the largest bridges over the Vistula and Oder erected in Poland over the recent years. The growth in the precast pile technology applications is accompanied by extensive development of efficient design methods and pile capacity monitoring, directly related to the implementation of Eurocodes, in particular Eurocode 7.

Keywords: prefabricated piles, pile driving, pile capacity monitoring.
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  • dr inż. Dariusz Sobala Politechnika Rzeszowska,Wydział Budownictwa, Inżynierii Środowiska i Architektury

dr inż. Dariusz Sobala

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.11.06