(in Polish)
Sławomir Biruk,
Piotr Jaśkowski
Volume 526; Issue 6
Pages 8-10
Accepted for publication: 17.04.2016 r.
Linear construction projects (roads, pipelines etc) are usually planned as sets of simple and repeatable tasks to be completed by crews or machine sets in consecutive sections (locations). A convenient form of graphical presentation of such projects' schedules are time-location diagrams. Resource allocation and harmonization of their work should be an integral part of the scheduling process. In a perfect resource-driven schedule, the demand for a resource always answers its availability. To level resource demand in projects with fixed completion date, the planner looks for optimal process timing and most suitable options of constructionmethods. The paper presents a linear programming model of the problem of renewable resource leveling for linear projects. Its application is illustrated by an example.
Keywords: linear projects, project scheduling, resources allocation.
Keywords: linear projects, project scheduling, resources allocation.
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Sławomir Biruk, Ph. D., Eng. - Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Piotr Jaśkowski, Ph. D., MSc. Eng. - Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Piotr Jaśkowski, Ph. D., MSc. Eng. - Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Piotr Jaśkowski, Ph. D., MSc. Eng.
Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage