(Open Access)
D. Van Gemert
Volume 519: Issue 11
Pages 85-88
Accepted for publication: 24.09.2015 r.
The assessment of slipperiness of industrial or domestic floors is a difficult task. The subjective feeling or experience of slipperiness by the pedestrian should match with objective measurements. This paper deals with the experimental methods applied today to measure skid resistance of floors. In a case study a comparison is made between several experimental and material investigation techniques on the surface texture and composition of a concrete industrial floor, and the experience of pedestrian users of the same floor. The match of both reveals to be rather limited.
Keywords: industrial floors, skid resistance, SRT – pendulum test, ramp test, coefficient of friction, micro-roughness.
Keywords: industrial floors, skid resistance, SRT – pendulum test, ramp test, coefficient of friction, micro-roughness.
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prof. Dionys Van Gemert, Triconsult nv & KU Leuven