GDDKiA requirements in terms of air voids characteristic in hardened concretes

Vol. 555 (11) 2018 / wtorek, 27 listopada, 2018


A. Nowak-Michta

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.11.19

Volume 555: Issue 11
Pages 66-70
Accepted for publication: 13.09.2018 r.

General Technical Specifications GDDKiAis the first document in the country that contains requirements for pavement concrete in terms of air-voids parameters in hardened concrete. Numerous studies and published results in the field of air-voids characteristics in hardened concretes according to PN-EN 480-11 show that, despite meeting the air-entraining admixture requirements, quite often the correct air-void system is not obtained in hardened pavement concrete. The article contains the requirements, their genesis, sampling scheme, as well as an attempt to explain the problem of lack of air-void stability in hardened concrete, which is the reason for frequent failure to meet the requirements for the characteristics of air voids in hardened concretes. The analysis showed that the aim of the tests at the stage of designing concrete mixes is first of all to check the compatibility of cement-air-entraining admixture-superplasticizer,while the quality control of embedded concrete takes into account the influence of technological processes that significantly affect the structure of air-voids in hardened concrete. Keywords: air entraining; air void characteristic; air-entrained concrete; pavement concrete.
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dr inż. Aneta Nowak-Michta, Politechnika Krakowska;Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej;

dr inż. Aneta Nowak-Michta

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.11.19