Determination of energy demand indicators in an office building on base of a measurement data

Vol. 545 (1) 2018 / poniedziałek, 5 listopada, 2018

(in Polish)

M. Krajewska,
N. Kwiecińska,
J. Kwiatkowski

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.01.14

Volume 545; Issue 1
Pages 54-57
Accepted for publication: 18.12.2017 r.

Currently, energy audits of office buildings or only some office zones, if the whole building is not rented by one enterprise, are increasingly being performed. Auditors very often need to refer to the reference values of energy consumption indicators. Sometimes they use data for the entire building and assign them to individual office zones. The article specifies the demand indicators for heat, cooling and electricity for seven office zones in the building. Both the usable area and the number of users of one zone were used as the reference unit. On the basis of the results it was found that despite similar energy consumption profiles in all zones, the indicators differ significantly and the value of the standard deviation is 20 – 44%. In addition it was shown that taking the average values from the analysis of the whole building to determine the consumption of individual office zones can be associated with a big mistake.

Keywords: office building; tenant; demand indicator; energy.
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Magdalena Krajewska, MSc. Eng. - Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering

Natalia Kwiecińska, MSc. Eng. - Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering

Jerzy Kwiatkowski, Ph. D., Eng. - Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering

Jerzy Kwiatkowski, Ph. D., Eng.

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.01.14