(in Polish)
W. Paczkowski,
Sz. Skibicki
Volume 525; Issue 5
Pages 16-17
Accepted for publication: 03.03.2016 r.
An intensive process of steel corrosion caused by an improper way of cleaning of the floor damaged next to floor parts of steel columns in the main building of power station. The damages have substantially changed geometrical parameters of the cross-sections. Strengthening of the cross-sections was necessary to achieve ful filment of load bearing conditions in the columns. The columns were heavily loaded by the hanging boilers and the process of strengthening by extension of the cross-section had to take into account that factor. The paper presents the way in which the optimal number of extension elements was established on the basis of minimization of excessive area of strengthening elements.
Keywords: steel corrosion, cross-section strengthening, optimization of strengthening.
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Wiesław Paczkowski, Ph. D., Eng. - West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin (ZUT), Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Szymon Skibicki, MSc., Eng. - West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin (ZUT), Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Wiesław Paczkowski, Ph. D., Eng.
Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage