Buffer zone modelling in a single family house

Vol. 522 (2) 2016 / czwartek, 25 października, 2018

(in Polish)

Weronika Lechowska,
Krzysztof Cebrat

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.02.06

Volume 522; Issue 2
Pages 20-23
Accepted for publication: 14.09.2015 r.


Buffer zones, due to reduced temperature fluctuations on both sides of partitions, should reduce heat loss during the heating season and provide better protection against overheating in summer. However, their operation depends on many factors – weather, size and location of the zone, partition airtightness and glazing proportions. The research on buffer zones and justness of their use in Polish climate, presented in this article, consists of the computer model calibration, which aimed to achieve similar simulated temperatures to themeasured values in particular zones. The existing building, in which measurements were conducted, is a single-family house with a wooden frame construction. It has several buffer zones: sunspace, unheated attic and garage. The results show the actual heat gains obtained through the buffer zone. Temperature measurements inside and outside the building also enabled determining the direction of heat flow through the sunspace.The long-range scope of the research, which fragment is described in this article, is to check the relationship between parameters of the buffer zone and energy demand of a single family house. These studies are a continuation of analyses of the Double Skin House concept, which is an example of the use of the double façade as a buffer zone.
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  • Weronika Lechowska, MSc., Eng. Arch. - Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  • Krzysztof Cebrat, Ph. D., Eng. Arch. - Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  • Krzysztof Cebrat, Ph. D., Eng. Arch.
