Active systems of facade insulation

Vol. 533 (1) 2017 / wtorek, 23 października, 2018

(in Polish)

K. Biernacki,
J. Z. Piotrowski

DOI: 10.15199/33.2017.01.07

Volume 533: Issue 1
Pages 50-54
Accepted for publication: 08.12.2016

Constantly growing requirements in the field of thermal insulation of building partitions forcing architects and designers to seek the most effective material solutions in order to limit heat losses in winter and heat gains in summer by building walls at possibly minimal financial outlay. Parallel use of renewable energy sources for the purposes of traditional heating systems and active facade insulation systems is possible. The article presents the results of research where actual temperature distribution on individual layers of ventilated partition in real conditions was analysed. This partition was equipped with additional installation powered by an agent which took heat from the heat source (ground or low-temperature geothermal source).As shown in test results, such solution works well in buildings where heat-pumps are used for heating, and can reduce exploitation costs and increase insulating properties of partition to larger extent, at relatively low costs of such installation.

Keywords: thermal insulation of building partitions, renewable energy sources, thermal barrier, temperature distribution in partition, active facades.
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  • mgr inż. Karol Biernacki Politechnika Świętokrzyska,Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska, Geomatyki i Energetyki
  • prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Z. Piotrowski Politechnika Świętokrzyska,Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska, Geomatyki i Energetyki

mgr inż. Karol Biernacki