(Open Access)
J. Tomaszewska
Volume 568: Issue 12
Pages 8-10
Accepted for publication: 04.11.2019 r.
Many European countries, including Poland face the challenge related to the closing of the natural resources flow in national economies. The concept of Circular Economy (CE) whose the overarching goal is to ensure the efficient flow of raw materials, energy, work and information in such a way that it is possible to "rebuild" the involved human and environmental resources has been indicated as a remedy for the mitigation of economic effects resulting from excessive exploitation of the environment natural. In the case of construction, which is one of themost resource-consuming sectors, the process of the transition towards CE requires a holistic approach, involving all actors in the supply chain at all stages of the product life cycle. This article discusses selected issues related to the process of a transition of Polish construction towards CE.
Keywords: circular economy; natural resources; product life cycle.
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dr inż. Justyna Tomaszewska, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; Zakład Fizyki Cieplnej, Akustyki i Środowiska;
dr inż. Justyna Tomaszewska, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; Zakład Fizyki Cieplnej, Akustyki i Środowiska;
Adres do korespondencji: j.tomaszewska@itb.pl
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