(in Polish)
Lidia Buda-Ożóg
Volume 528; Issue 8
Pages 100-102
Accepted for publication: 24.06.2016 r.
In this article ST models for design of RC beams exposed to torsion, shear and bending are presented. The amount and placement of reinforcement required due to the bending, torsion and shear depending on the adopted model ST and the influence of shape reinforcement on the load-bearing capacity and cracks were analyzed. Three arrangement of reinforcement depending on the angle of the diagonal strut were compared. Numerical simulations of the loading process of the beams by means of the programATENA3D weremade. On the basis of the analysis, connection between the model ST and load capacity and cracks of the beams weren’t observed. Analysis of beams residual load capacity showed that in the beam with compression diagonal strut at an angle of 45 °, after the load failure the torsional stiffness of beam has decreased less than in the other ST model.
Keywords: ST models, torsion, shear, reinforced concrete, torsional stiffness.
Keywords: ST models, torsion, shear, reinforced concrete, torsional stiffness.
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Lidia Buda-Ożóg, Ph. D. Eng. - Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture
Lidia Buda-Ożóg, Ph. D. Eng.
Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage