European construction innovations market

Vol. 524 (4) 2016 / piątek, 26 października, 2018

(in Polish)

R. Geryło

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.04.32

Volume 524; Issue 4
Pages 124-126
Accepted for publication: 26.01.2016 r.

The implementation of innovative solutions on the European market often determines the success in global scale. Innovations can be considered as a manifestation of successful cooperation between science and business. The construction sector demands technical solutions which are capable to achieve the highest level of performance at the lowest total life cycle cost and the minimisation of the negative impact on the environment. Construction in Poland is one of the main areas of development and should in future have a decisive impact on strengthening the competitiveness of the Polish economy. In terms of innovation, construction and construction technologies it is one of the most important national specialization. The ITB supports enterprises in Poland as the operator of the system of environmental assessments in relation to construction products and as the technical assessment body which so far conducted hundreds assessment giving a formal basis for the implementation innovative construction products on the European market.

Keywords: innovations, construction sector, science and business cooperation, research and innovation strategy, intelligent and energy-efficient construction.
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Robert Geryło, Ph. D., Eng. - Building Research Institute

Robert Geryło, Ph. D., Eng.

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.04.32