Carbonated concrete blocks for CO2 captation

openaccess / poniedziałek, 21 stycznia, 2019

(Open Access)

L. Courard,
V. Parmentier,
F. Michel

DOI: 10.15199/33.2015.10.35

Volume 518: Issue 10
Pages 116-118
Accepted for publication: 08.09.2016

The CO2 captation process called carbonation, improves specific properties of the concrete during the conversion of carbon dioxide CO2 into calcium carbonate CaCO3. Current environmental concerns motivate the study of carbonation in order to maximize the absorption of carbon dioxide. Moreover, lightweight concrete with bio-based products knows an interesting development in the construction field, especially as thermal insulation panels for walls in buildings. Concrete blocks produced with miscanthus mineralized aggregates offer interesting mechanical properties and minimal environmental impact.

Keywords: carbonation, miscanthus aggregate, „green” concrete.
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Prof. Luc Courard, Ph. D. Eng., University of Liege, ArGEnCo Department Véronique Parmentier, University of Liege, ArGEnCo Department Frédéric Michel, M. Sc., University of Liege, ArGEnCo Department
Prof. Luc Courard -