(in Polish)
Artur Piekarczuk
Volume 528; Issue 8
Pages 22-25
Accepted for publication: 30.06.2016 r.
The paper deals with method of static calculations of large surfaces glazing. Presents the rules of calculation of deflections and bending stress on the basis of draft prEN with the practical guidelines and comments.Were carried out to compare the results of calculations on selected examples, according to prEN and numerical methods of calculations made by finite element method (MES). The comparison of results are presented in the graphs and tables with comments on the compatibility of prEN and MES methods.
Keywords: glass in building, nonlinear static calculations, deflection, bending strenght, finite element method.
Keywords: glass in building, nonlinear static calculations, deflection, bending strenght, finite element method.
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Artur Piekarczuk, Ph. D. Eng. - Building Research Institute, Department of Building Structures and Geotechnics
Artur Piekarczuk, Ph. D. Eng.
Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage