The coefficient of thermal conductivity of hemp-lime composites manufactured by tamping

openaccess, Vol. 564 (8) 2019 / czwartek, 3 października, 2019

(Open Access)

M. Gołębiewski,
B. Pietruszka

DOI: 10.15199/33.2019.08.09

Volume 564: Issue 8
Pages 61 – 63
Accepted for publication: 12.06.2019 r.

The hemp-lime composite, usedmainly as an filling and insulating material, is characterized by low mechanical strength, low thermal conductivity, low diffusion resistance coefficient and high ecological value. The thermal conductivity of the composite is in the range from about 0,06 to about 0,15 W/(m•K) for its different variations,wherein its value of the composites for typical wall applications varies around 0,1 W/(m•K). In this study, the results of thermal conductivity tests are presented of the composites with different densities resulting from varying degrees of compression of the mix, made with the use of differential composition of the binder and with different proportions of component. The obtained results are in the range of results from comparable studies and prove good properties of the material in the terms of its thermal insulation.
Keywords: hempcrete; hemp-lime composite; thermal conductivity.
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mgr inż. arch. Michał Gołębiewski, Politechnika Warszawska; Wydział Architektury
dr inż. Barbara Pietruszka, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; Zakład Fizyki Cieplnej, Akustyki i Środowiska

mgr inż. arch. Michał Gołębiewski