Energy efficiency and low emissions in national and regional legal conditions

Vol. 521 (1) 2016 / środa, 24 października, 2018

(in Polish)

Małgorzata Fedorczak-Cisak,
Janusz Mazur

DOI: 10.15199/33.2016.01.06

Volume 521; Issue 1
Pages 20-22
Accepted for publication: 02.12.2015 r.

The authors present a selection of regulation for reducing emissions on the example of action taken in the Malopolska region, included both in the legal regulations and in financial instruments supporting the expected changes. They refer to particular restrictions of low-emission, it means emissions from sources with low chimneys (up to 40 m height), and thus in particular emissions from single family houses. One of the latest legal acts regulating national and regional actions is theAct of 10 September 2015 amending the Act – Environmental Protection Law. It was announced in the Journal of Law of the Republic of Poland on 12 October 2015. The introduction of amendments to the Act binds directly to changes in ways of delivery heat to the inhabitants of Malopolska region. The new law undoubtedly will impact in themediumtermon changes in themarket, in particular heating. The using of some heating sources will be prohibited and will disappear in regions where local laws would be introduced under the amended law. Processes of modernization (the old boilers will have to be eliminated) by a specified date will create market for new devices with upperstandards – the highest class boilers and heat pumps.
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  1. Małgorzata Fedorczak-Cisak, Ph. D. Eng. - Cracow University of Technology, Civil Engineering Faculty; Energy-efficient Building Center of Malopolska
  2. Janusz Mazur, MSc. Eng. - National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE)

Małgorzata Fedorczak-Cisak, Ph. D. Eng.