A new functionalities of the building energy performance certification system

openaccess, Vol. 593 (1) 2022 / środa, 26 stycznia, 2022

(Open Access)

DOI: 10.15199/33.2022.01.05

Kwiatkowski Jerzy, Wiszniewski Andrzej. 2022. A new functionalities of the building energy performance certification system. Volume 593. Issue 1. Pages 50-52. Article in PDF file

Accepted for publication: 28.12.2021 r.

The system of energy performance certificates has been in place for almost twenty years. Successive versions of the recast directives on the energy performance of buildings introduced new requirements or improved the functioning of the implemented regulations. The building sector is important in reducing energy demand and pollutant emissions and thus meeting climate goals. Energy performance certificates are an excellent tool that can be used for this purpose. The article presents the currently on-going international projects on the systemof energy performance certificates. It has been shown that most of them are about strengthening the importance of energy performance certificates and supplementing their functionality. It also describes the ten innovative functionalities of the next generation of EPC developed by the X-tendo project. Introducing them into national systems will increase confidence in the assessment and certification of energy performance, which will improve their acceptance and speed up refurbishment of buildings.
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dr inż. Jerzy Kwiatkowski, Politechnika Warszawska; Wydział Instalacji Budowlanych, Hydrotechniki i Inżynierii Środowiska; ORCID: 0000-0002-2688-1980
dr inż. Andrzej Wiszniewski, Narodowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii S.A. ORCID: 0000-0001-7997-1536

dr inż. Jerzy Kwiatkowski, Politechnika Warszawska; Wydział Instalacji Budowlanych, Hydrotechniki i Inżynierii Środowiska; ORCID: 0000-0002-2688-1980


Full paper:

DOI: 10.15199/33.2022.01.05

Article in PDF file