Temperature and humidity tests of the ETICS system with a fire barrier

openaccess, Vol. 573 (5) 2020 / czwartek, 28 maja, 2020

(Open Access)

Krause Paweł, Norvaišienė Rosita. 2020. Temperature and humidity tests of the ETICS system with a fire barrier. Materiały Budowlane. Volume 573. Issue 5. Pages 16-18. DOI: 10.15199/33.2020.05.02

Accepted for publication: 15.04.2020

The article presents selected results of thermo-humidity tests of the externalwallwith a complex ETICS insulation system. Thermal insulation was made in the form of expanded polystyrene, along with a horizontal strip of mineral wool and its additional bands over the windows, which are fire barriers. Laboratory tests according to ETAG 004 in the form of hygrothermal cycles constituted the basis for assessing the technical condition of the finishing layers in the form of four different external renders.
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dr inż. Paweł Krause, Politechnika Śląska; Wydział Budownictwa, Katedra Procesów Budowlanych i Fizyki Budowli ORCID: 0000-0002-8398-1961 dr inż. Rosita Norvaišienė, Institute of Architecture and Construction of Kaunas University of Technology ORCID: 0000-0001-9941-5350

dr inż. Paweł Krause, Politechnika Śląska; Wydział Budownictwa, atedra Procesów Budowlanych i Fizyki Budowli

ORCID: 0000-0002-8398-1961
