Insulation of historic buildings

Vol. 545 (1) 2018 / poniedziałek, 5 listopada, 2018

(in Polish)

Sz. Firląg,
W. Górecka

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.01.12

Volume 545; Issue 1
Pages 48-50
Accepted for publication: 20.12.2017 r.

The article presents the results of dynamic modeling of thermal and moisture phenomena carried out with the WUFI-POL program. The subject of the analysis was the external wall of the historic brewery building in Węgrów. The calculations were made for three variants: the existing state, insulation from the inside with a silicate-calcium plate with heat-protecting plasters and insulation from the inside with a mineral insulating plate. For each of the variants, the change in the moisture content in the wall over three years, the heat transfer flux and the costeffectiveness of both types of insulation were determined. The obtained results allowed indicating the advantages and disadvantages of the analyzed cases of inside insulation.

Keywords: historic buildings; inside insulation; thermal and moisture phenomena.
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Szymon Firląg, Ph. D., Eng. - Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering

Weronika Górecka, Eng. - Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering

Szymon Firląg, Ph. D., Eng.

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.01.12