Use of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method to locate moisture in pavement structure

Vol. 551 (7) 2018 / sobota, 12 stycznia, 2019


M. Wutke

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.07.17

Volume 551: Issue 7
Pages 54-57
Accepted for publication: 07.06.2018 r.

The presence of water in the road structure has a negative impact on itsmechanical properties. Variousmethods are available for assessing roads in terms of their humidity. The simplest in interpretation - gravimetricmethods - require invasive intervention in the road condition and measurements of weights of the samples in laboratory conditions. There are also non destructivemethods, among themthe Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). The article presents the assessment of moisture using the GPR on a 200-meter section of the road leading through a tunnel built in the „white box” technology with road surface built of 12-centimeter of asphalt layer on 20-centimeter of aggregate. After about 5 years of use, there were wet spots on the road and deformation of asphalt layers in the formof elevation. GPRmade it possible to locate wet areas in both layers and point the probable reasons of the deformation and wet spots on the road surface. Keywords: Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR); dampness; dielectric constant; road surface; „white box”; non-destructive testing.
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mgr inż. Małgorzata Wutke, TPA Sp. z o.o.

mgr inż. Małgorzata Wutke, TPA Sp. z o.o.

Full paper is available at Publisher house SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. webpage

DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.07.17