Selected solutions increasing durability of breakstone ballast in operated railway track structure

openaccess, Vol. 614 (10) 2023 / czwartek, 26 października, 2023

(Open Access)

DOI: 10.15199/33.2023.10.09

Bednarek Włodzimierz. 2023. Selected solutions increasing durability of breakstone ballast in operated railway track structure. Volume 614. Issue 10. Pages 43-47. Article in PDF file

Accepted for publication: 26.07.2023 r.

The main role of the cooperating layers in railway track structure: ballast, protective layer and subgrade is to provide load transfer and proper support of the railway track. However, the ballast is the weakest element in the ballasted railway track structure, therefore it requires the appropriate selection of material, grain size, strengthening or compaction. The used solutions in the granular material of the breakstone ballast increasing the durability of both the ballast itself and the operated railway track structure are described. The use of elastic elements according to their stiffness are recommended to increase the durability of the railway ballast at the stage of design, construction and maintenance of operated railway track structures. The recommended solutions for use in engineering practice, which can be adapted to the current cycle life of the railway track structure, are also shown.
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dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Bednarek, Politechnika Poznańska, Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Transportu ORCID: 0000-0002-3693-9621

dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Bednarek, Politechnika Poznańska, Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Transportu ORCID: 0000-0002-3693-9621

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DOI: 10.15199/33.2023.10.09

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