Requirements regarding the performance constancy of geosynthetics in the light of new harmonised standards

openaccess, Vol 560 (4) 2019 / czwartek, 2 maja, 2019

(Open Access)

J. Bobrowicz,
Dz. Palto

DOI: 10.15199/33.2019.04.13

Volume 560: Issue 4
Pages 85-88
Accepted for publication:  27.03.2019 r.

This paper specifies the requirements regarding performance constancy of geotextiles along with significant changes that have been implemented in neweditions of harmonized standards for geotextiles.The purpose of the article is the dissemination of knowledge about introduced changes among the manufacturers of geotextile products and prevention of inappropriate interpretation of the new editions of harmonized standards by manufacturers and certification bodies. The limitation of the possibility of using secondary rawmaterials has also been discussed. It has been pointed out that the new approach towards the use of recycled rawmaterials should result in greater stability of the finished products. The increase of the durability requirements for geotextile products is aimed at extending the lifetime of construction objects, which ultimately should improve the quality of geotextiles and geosynthetics. Keywords: geosynthetics; geotextiles; frequency of tests; recycling; durability; certification; conformity assessment systems; construction products.
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dr inż. Jan Bobrowicz, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej mgr inż. Dzmitry Palto, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej

dr inż. Jan Bobrowicz, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej